Now it is time that I must morph my old blog into a newer one. I'm somewhat removed from the Printing world and am now working for the Paper world. Granted, I still work with printers on a daily basis, I am now a vendor of theirs.
The transition from selling printing to selling paper has been more difficult than I originally imagined. I thought I would have no problem picking up whatever new protocols that there might be. So far there are so many different rules for every little thing, I believe it will take some time before I have a good handle of the day to day managerial tasks that I have to do.
I have no problem with the selling part and thoroughly enjoy the part of my job where I go from customer to customer, visiting with them and updating them with whats going on in the paper industry. However, there is an entirely different job that happens once I get back to my desk that involves painstaking processes that are difficult to understand, but I'm getting there.
I have to transition this blog and I'm not sure how to. Any advice out there? I'm trying to figure out a way that I can bring in my current status as a paper sales person to the mix and still utilize what I know as a printer. Who knows, maybe this doesn't even matter, I mean, this is pretty much just an creative outlet hiding behind what I think is useful to any of you that might read this.
Maybe I should stop trying to make this about what job I have at the moment and make it more of a creative round table where people can write and be written to about any creative ideas that they have at the moment, and belive me, I have a few.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
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an ever-evolving realm of consciousness

the old way
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
Hey there, Kage...I think you should transition your blog to more about what Courtney Homer Upton wants to do. I think that you would make an excellent nurse given your interest in medicine and with your interpersonal skills. And I think it's great you're doing more creative things such as writing and working on your art. Having the creative outlet is key to your particular well-being. Just add a fulfilling job and that will do more than any pill. You already have everythng you need to be happy and content; now you just need to let those skills out and let them help you do what you were meant to: help people and be creative. Then work will no longer be work. It will be life! (Remind me to tell you the story of when I was a boy in the Yeshiva...) Rob
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