There are a lot of ups and downs in sales that make it tough to stay really motivated and wanting to keep coming to work every day even after numerous rejections. What keeps me motivated are these two guys:
I surround myself with pictures of my two boys to always keep me motivated and striving for more. I couldn't stand not being able to provide for them in the way that I think they deserve.
It's tough being rejected but for every 10 rejections there has been a really customer that has come along that makes me want to do my job better. Some of you, and I hope you know who I'm talking about, give me a lot of joy in doing my job. You make it easy to be a sales person of which I'm really not. I don't consider myself a sales person. I like to think of myself more of a solutions expert and client manager willing to do whatever it takes to make my customers happy.
Sometimes when I get down, usually due to being really slow at work, I get in my car and start to drive. I try and open my mind to find out what am I doing wrong or what I'm not doing right. It usually boils down to apathy. I tend to snap out of it quick usually when I get home at the end of the day and my three year old son runs up to me and jumps in my arms. I love that. Or as I'm leaving to work in the morning and the three year old gives me a hug and kiss and says "don't go to work daddy, stay here with us". That breaks my heart but at the same time, it gets me going and I don't want to dissapoint him by not working really hard during the day.
Sales will always be tough however if I strive to keep a creative mind and always service my customers to the best of my ability, I know I will make it. It also doesn't hurt to have my two sons as my motivation!
What about pictures of your sister? Isn't she important? Huh? HUH?
Happy Birthday, Courtney!
Congrats on the new job, little brudda!
Ha, thanks for your support, sounds so "Barttles and James". You're right, I do need more pics of you on this site but it might get me kicked off for lude imagry, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
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